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Is Paraguay Expensive? Our Paraguay Budget Travel Guide

How much money do you need when traveling around Paraguay?

Slowly growing in popularity, Paraguay is very much still an off the beaten path country to explore in South America.

Here we can enjoy an authentic country with less tourism around, whilst also dive deeper into the ancient cultures hidden within.

In this guide we’ll look at the typical costs you can expect when traveling Paraguay, such as for accommodation, food and getting around. As well as recommending some of the best tours you can head on, we’ll also answer your most burning questions in our FAQ section.

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Is Paraguay Expensive for Tourists?

Quick Answer: Paraguay remains a cheap country to explore, with a similar cost of travel as Bolivia (given they are both land-locked and have received less development than their continental neighbors).

asuncion paraguay

When backpacking around Paraguay, we recommend setting a daily budget of roughly $20 a day. This will be a solid amount for staying in a comfortable dorm room, eating local meals as well as for using public transport to get around cities and regions.

Those who are looking for a more luxurious experience can expect to spend between $30-40 a day in Paraguay. With this budget you can stay in a sleek private room, eat out at nicer restaurants and also take Ubers more frequently.

Things to know before traveling to Paraguay

  • The Three Main Cities – Regardless of where you plan to visit, you can best organize your trip to Paraguay by staying in Asunción, Encarnación and Ciudad del Este. The former two are quite safe and are located close to many awesome sights that make Paraguay worth visiting. Ciudad del Este is known for its cheap markets, however use caution since it can get quite sketchy here.
  • Getting Into Paraguay – Aside from flying in, travelers will find it pretty easy to reach Paraguay by traveling overland from other countries. Each of the three cities above prove to be ideal entry points too. You can reach Asunción from Clorinda (Argentina), Encarnación from Posadas (Argentina) as well as Ciudad del Este from both Foz do Iguaçu (Brazil) and Puerto Iguazú (Argentina).
  • Paraguay Is Hot Year-Round – Regardless of the month you visit, this country is pretty hot and can sometimes feel overbearing in the concrete cities. For this reason it’s best to avoid walking in midday hours, and to keep drinking plenty of water. Also make sure to bring lots of light clothing and garments when coming to Paraguay. See our South America Packing list for ideas on what to pack.

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How much does a trip to Paraguay cost?

Budget travelers and backpackers can expect to spend roughly $20 a day in Paraguay, whilst those who want an upgrade in experience (such as private rooms, eating in nicer establishments etc) can budget for around $30-40 a day.

This budget only covers accommodation, food and a few extras (like beers, a walking tour or entrance etc). Other costs such as flights and day tours will need to be planned with a different budget in mind.

Cost of Accommodation in Paraguay

We can find hostels within the more touristy and large cities like Asunción, which are perfect for travelers who are trying to keep their costs down. Usually they will cost between $5-10 a night.

visiting paraguay south america

They tend to have comfortable dorm rooms, and be located within strategic points. When in the Paraguayan capital we recommend staying at the Nomada Hostel, where you’ll be close to both the historic center and the main market.

Those who prefer a more comfortable experience can also find private rooms within hostels, and also hotels and AirBnbs. These are actually easier to find than hostels, and also are pretty cheap while delivering great value.

If you are traveling to Encarnación, then we suggest a stay at the Hotel Puesta del Sol which has really affordable rates and is located close to the city’s main beach.

Cost of Food in Paraguay

As a whole Paraguay is less known than other South American nations, and it’s the local food which remains the most mysterious and adventurous part of a trip here. Whilst here you’ll want to eat Mbeju as well as the Asados which are cooked right there on the street.

paraguay food chipa

Keeping your costs down in Paraguay is pretty easy when it comes to food. We can find plenty of street food and local restaurants that really deliver without stretching our budget that much. A meal for one will cost between $3-5, and even so in the more touristy and affluent parts of cities.

When after a more luxurious meal, you can expect to spend roughly $5-12 per person. Here you can head to a nicer establishment, whilst also eating a wide range of global cuisines (which is always a nice change if you usually stick to local foods).

Cost of Transportation in Paraguay

The bus system is pretty efficient in Paraguay, and the major terminals of each city have multiple buses leaving daily between them.

backpacking paraguay buses in paraguay

Prices are also quite good, and online on sites such as BusBud you can book a one-way ride between the three main cities for roughly $20-35. If you head into the bus terminals on the day you can also get a discounted rate (especially if you’re flexible and can leave on the next bus – given they will want to sell as many seats as possible).

As an example, the 5 hour bus from Ciudad del Este to Asunción costs roughly $25, and usually leaves at midnight and in the early morning.

Cost of Tours & Attractions in Paraguay

General attractions are pretty cheap in Paraguay, and especially so within the main cities. For example in Asunción’s historic center you’ll even find many beautiful museums and buildings free to enter!

jesuit ruins paraguay

Heading on guided walking tours is also a great idea, where you’ll have a knowledge guide show you around the best spots whilst teaching you about Paraguay’s seldom-known colorful past.

We highly suggest heading on this city tour around Asunción to get to know the capital on a more intimate level. There are a few multi-day tours worth taking within Paraguay.

Whilst more expensive, you’ll get to see some truly mesmerizing areas – such as the Gran Chaco region. On this all-inclusive tour you’ll visit everything from palm savannahs to remove sand dunes whilst also spotting native Chaco species such as Giant Anteaters and Quebracho Crested-Tinamou, as well as the elusive Puma.

Paraguay FAQs

Here are some popular questions our readers ask when it comes to visiting Paraguay:

How much cash should I bring to Paraguay?

We recommend bringing around $200-300 either in USD or the local Guaraní currency, which is more than enough for your first few days as you find your feet in Paraguay. If you’re arriving by bus from Argentina or Brazil (or even Bolivia if you’re heading through the remote west), then you can also exchange cash on the border. Just be sure to check the rate on the day to avoid getting a bad rate.

What month is best to visit Paraguay?

The months of June until September are best, which fall within the dry season. Here we can expect little rainfall (roughly 1-3 inches each month) which is great for exploring the cities and regions with clear blue skies. You’ll also have an average daily temperature of 64-70°F, which is comfortable to walk around in (the rest of the year can get much hotter). You can learn more about the best time to visit Paraguay.

Do you tip in Paraguay?

Like with most Latin American countries, tipping isn’t enforced in Paraguay. However if you liked the service then you can add 10% – which is the standard additional tipping rate here. Remember that if you didn’t like the service, then you shouldn’t be pressured or forced into tipping.

Is Paraguay cheaper than Argentina?

Historically, Argentina was the more expensive of the two by far, and many would travel north for cheaper vacations and goods (such as what happens between Brazil and Paraguay). However given the recent economic downfall, Argentina is now the cheaper country of the two, and especially so if you get Blue Dollars.

Is Paraguay Expensive for Tourists?

And that’s all for our guide on how expensive Paraguay is.

Located in the heart of South America, Paraguay can be a really interesting country to explore. Here we can visit unique Jesuit Mission Ruins as well as explore rare wildlife species within the remote Gran Chaco.

Paraguay is also great for the wallet too, and travelers in nearby Brazil will definitely get
a much needed break when arriving here!

In this guide we’ve looked at how much money you’ll need when traveling around Paraguay. This guide focuses more on the minimum needed for low-budget travelers, so of course if you feel like upgrading then by all means go for it!

Be sure to read our Backpacking Paraguay Itinerary for more ideas on what to see and do in this underrated South American nation.

👉🏽 P.S. If you’ve found this guide helpful, buy us a coffee here to say thanks! Or, support us by downloading our South America Travel Bible to get our best content.

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